Creating an FTP Import Processing Map

Written by Leslie T

Last published at: August 25th, 2023

An FTP processing map allows you to map fields from an exported file (e.g. your PLM) to Launchmetrics seamlessly. Follow the steps below to create your map:

  1. Navigate to the Samples App
  2. In the main navigation, under IMPORT select "Importing Maps". This page allows you to view/edit existing mappings, or create a new one.
  3. Click the Create Map button
  4. Fill in all the information, please note all fields are mandatory.

Map Name

A folder with the same name will be created on the FTP, so avoid using special characters

Decoding Engine

Here you can choose between 3 supported formats for your input file: CSV (Comma Separated Values) , Excel and JSON

Ignore First Row

If you have headers in your file, select this to skip it

Processing Engine

Here you tell to the system what you want to do with the file: 

  • Master List import — to create or update master list records)
  • Inventory from Master List — to create actual samples in the inventory, based on Master List samples
  • Imported from Master List — to create samples in Imported, based on Master List samples
  • Create Imported — to create samples in Imported, not linked to any master list sample


A free text field in which you can provide details for your own info


Enabled/Disabled mapping

Autogenerate Map Fields

When enabling this option, all fields will be automatically created and assigned a column. The fields that are created will be determined based on the Processing Engine you pick. Autogenerating fields is useful if you plan to use all or most fields. If you are only using a small subset of the existing fields, it might be easier to create them manually from scratch.




Managing your Maps

The "Importing maps" screen will display all maps you've created.

For each map you have access to a list of options that can be accessed from the drop down menu on the left.



This menu leads you to the edit screen of the map

Manage Fields

This menu allow you to define the mapping between the info in your input file and Sample fields. More details in the following section

Manage Default

If you don't have a specific info in your input file and all samples should have the same value, you can force the value from this menu

View Map Batches

The menu leads you to all imported files of this mapping

View Map Logs

This menu leads you to all modifications provided to the mapping

Validate Map

This menu validates the map, i.e. it will tell you if there is anything badly configured, like a missing mandatory field

Export Template

This menu generates a blank template file according to the definition of your mapping


Deletes the mapping in Samples + folder in the FTP