How can I make sure my Contact/Company is linked to the correct Voice?

If you do not see the Voice icon next to your Contact or Company, a simple trick will help you connect!

Written by Melchior M

Last published at: June 5th, 2023

If you do not see the green lightning bolt "Voice" icon next to a Contact or Company, or if the matched voice is not correct, there is an easy way to remedy this!

Why is "Vogue US" not matched to a Voice, goshdarnit?

  1. Open the "edit details" screen and scroll down to "Online and Social". 
  2. Fill in at least 1 social media username, then click on "Update".
    Ok, let's add their Instagram handle to their details page, and click on Update...
  3. And voilà! Your Company/Contact will be ✨automagically✨ matched with a Voice in the Launchmetrics database and you will be able to use its MIV and Reach in your selection efforts.
    Voilà! Works like a charm!


Important Note: Use country-specific social accounts

Launchmetrics Voice profiles are country-specific so be sure to use the relevant social accounts to when linking. In the above example, notice how we used the "voguemagazine" instagram account for Vogue US. Had we wanted to link to British Vogue, we would have used "britishvogue" instead.


Pro tip: Use Instagram or TikTok

Facebook and Youtube usernames can sometimes be "finicky", and our algorithm does not always match properly with those. For guaranteed results, use the Instagram or Tiktok handle of the Company or Contact.



If you're trying to match your Contact or Company to a new Voice (recently added to our database upon your request or from our research), it may take up to 7 days to see the link appear. Let us know if you're still seeing an issue after this period of time.